Committee Collaborations
The Health Services Committee promotes the supplying of public and private health care services, medical research and development, sale and distribution of medical equipment, emergency services, and related infrastructure matters.
How to Get Involved
The AMC/CSEU binational committees are always looking for new members, passionate about strengthening the ties between Arizona and Mexico. As a committee member you will be surrounded by subject-area experts and business leaders from Arizona and Mexico, coming together to achieve common goals. Join a committee and help us shape policy, and exchange ideas and information through cross-border communication and collaboration.
If you’re interested in learning more about this committee or how to get involved, click here to send us a note and we’ll get you connected.
Arizona Co-Chairs

Cecilia Rosales
Associate Dean, Phoenix Campus / Professor & Chair, Division of Public Health Practice & Translational Research
University of Arizona, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health

Jennie Cunico
Arizona Department of Health Services