Binational Committees Driving Results
The Arizona-Mexico Commission (AMC) binational committees are the driving force behind the organization’s countless accomplishments over the course of its deep history. The AMC committees are challenged by the Governors of Arizona and Sonora to work on a wide range of issues, all with the shared goal of improving the quality of life in our region through cross-border collaboration.
The AMC committees are led by co-chairs, leaders from the public and private sectors, on both sides of the border. Our co-chairs and committee members come together under the leadership of the governors to identify areas where cooperation can benefit both states, countries and our shared region.
The committees welcome participation from members of the AMC and the Comisión Sonora-Estados Unidos (CSEU) interested in helping drive the initiatives planned over the course of the year. Committee actions lead to real results. And these accomplishments are presented to the governors twice each year at the summer and winter commission meetings.
AMC Committee Meetings
The AMC/CSEU binational committees meet formally four times per year: twice at the inter-plenary meetings and twice at the joint plenary sessions. The locations alternate between Arizona and Sonora. Committee meetings and activities are also held between formal meetings based on the individual needs of each committee.fdd
How You Can Participate
The AMC/CSEU binational committees are always looking for new members, passionate about strengthening the ties between Arizona and Mexico in their respective areas of focus. Once you become a member of the AMC we will help you get integrated into the work of the committees you are interested in. Serving on an AMC/CSEU committee is a great way to influence policy development exchange ideas and information and contribute to the success of the Arizona-Mexico relationship.
Committee Action Items
The AMC/CSEU Committees agree on a set of actions that address mutual needs in each state. These action items can be proposed by committee members or result from direction from the governors, but they are ultimately adopted by the committee co-chairs. Over the course of the year, committees work to execute these action items, regularly providing updates on each at their formal meetings.